Sunday, December 5, 2010


I was suppost to be spending the day quilting. BUTT (and I feel like one) I got ready to make my quilt sandwich and realized I didn't have the batting!!! How on earth do you forget something like that. Its like planning a picnic with no food! UGH ....

So instead I decided to use my little swatch of "Pure" fabric by Moda and make a pillow for a gift. The print has such wonderful words as - Original - Authentic -Simple and Real so I decided to magnify my favorites. Just wainting for it to dry so I can stitch it up.


  1. ooooooooooooooo I loooovvveeeee these. They are GREAT. How did you do that? How did you do that? You are magical. Did you make that stencil thingy? Anything with paint is outside of my basic ability. So cute. So cute.

  2. oh sooo easy Ginger, just some freezer paper, print out the words you want and lay (tape down) over freezer paper use a razor knife cut out, iron on fabric, I use cheap acrylic(great use for paint by number leftovers) and paint,dab or whatever then remove freezer paper :) usually dries with the hour so I can sew it up!
