Tuesday, May 1, 2007

18" doll pajamas

What little girl wouldnt want flannel pajamas for her doll! again I did alot of sewing in the summer of 2006 and I made many pairs of these as well as pink polyester ones. I had full intentions of making and selling a bunch of doll clothes, but they all ended up as gifts. When I was a little girl my mother and my aunt would get together and sew doll cloths for my cousin and I . We both had Mandy dolls and sat at our mothers feet anticipating the new outfits that would be tossed to us, I still have them all buried in a box in my basement. I think this is why I enjoy making the doll cloths so much.

1 comment:

  1. you rock i love reading your stuff
    cute!! didnt get to see this photo thought its gone or someting?
