Help! I need some opinions

Mr. Incredible and I went to an auction yesterday and while I wasnt looking he bought a pile of "stuff" in a corner for $1.00 yes o-n-e dollar or 100 pennies. When I realized what he did, I initially was upset, I said "No more junk to take home....ugh" he is known to bring home all the junk that NO-one else wants. As I was degrading him I peeked in a plastic bag amongst the pile of junk and instantly ate my words. It was SEWING STUFF ! Over 30 cross-stitch kits most un-opened, and a nice needlework stand. (The wooden ironing board was my find for $3.00). Anyways, back to my Shout out. I need some opinions here folks. A huge part of me would like to rip the kits apart and keep the fabulous embroidery floss and maybe find a use for the crosstitch fabric. AND then a part of me...............remembers that the first thing I ever learned to do with a needle was Counted Cross Stitch, forth grade afterschool program, Mrs. Forkey.
Now, I have since moved on and I am not particularly fond of cross stitch anymore, but I am sure that there are some folks who are. Yikes, do you know anyone who would love these, some, any, all, more than me? I am definatly keeping the stand because I do like to emroider. I tear them apart? or give them away? Please do let me know what you all think. Thanks