Help! I need some opinions Mr. Incredible and I went to an auction yesterday and while I wasnt looking he bought a pile of "stuff" in a corner for $1.00 yes o-n-e dollar or 100 pennies. When I realized what he did, I initially was upset, I said "No more junk to take home....ugh" he is known to bring home all the junk that NO-one else wants. As I was degrading him I peeked in a plastic bag amongst the pile of junk and instantly ate my words. It was SEWING STUFF ! Over 30 cross-stitch kits most un-opened, and a nice needlework stand. (The wooden ironing board was my find for $3.00). Anyways, back to my Shout out. I need some opinions here folks. A huge part of me would like to rip the kits apart and keep the fabulous embroidery floss and maybe find a use for the crosstitch fabric. AND then a part of me...............remembers that the first thing I ever learned to do with a needle was Counted Cross Stitch, forth grade afterschool program, Mrs. Forkey.
Now, I have since moved on and I am not particularly fond of cross stitch anymore, but I am sure that there are some folks who are. Yikes, do you know anyone who would love these, some, any, all, more than me? I am definatly keeping the stand because I do like to emroider. I tear them apart? or give them away? Please do let me know what you all think. Thanks
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
I spend way to much time surfing the internet looking at stitchy-sew-y-crafty-things. The plus side of it is that I come across some great ideas, some new and some old. Redwork, believed to have originated in 19th century Europe, refers to needlework done with red cotton thread. I fell in love with the old designs and have been thinking of something to try. Trees are trendy right now so I gave this a try, I would love to do something more elaborate when I have the time. Speaking of time, I'm suppost to be spending this time (right now) painting my back room! Not posting on my blog. I wonder what kept 19th century women from thier chores ? Hmmm
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Freezer Paper Stencil
I can check one more thing off my to do list. This is my first try at freezer paper stencils
1. draw a picture of what you want on the dull side of the freezer paper, and cut out with a razor knife.
3. Paint! I used spray paint and I really like the results. But I would think that fabric or acrylic paint would be just as nice.
4. Sew :) I only waited about 5 mins for my paint to dry (because I am impatient) before I started sewing.
The spray paint I used was actually a rusty brown primer color but looks pink on the fabric ( how lucky for me) so its always a good idea to do a test swatch. I believe this was enough fun that I will have to make some more.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Hug yer Chickens
Ok, this is so darn cute it makes me want to go out and hug my chickens. My good friend B gave me a copy of this pattern to play with. I may have to add Chicken quilt to my list. Thanks B, and I was wrong *grimace* this is a great pattern. Also my first time paper piecing!
P.S. Thanks Chris from Jamonkeyshwap for the quick paper piecing lesson via telephone.
P.S. Thanks Chris from Jamonkeyshwap for the quick paper piecing lesson via telephone.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
I've been playing with my tea, which is not unlike playing with your food only less messy. I simmered the teabags 6 of them (cheap ones) in a quart or so of water for 5-10 mins. Then took out the tea bags and stir/soak fabric for about 10 mins. Rinse, dry, and press. Woo hoo a whole new batch of fabric :)
Monday, February 1, 2010
Bunny Wallet
I'm having a grand time ignoring my serger (I want to rub it in). I had a good sit-down heart to heart with it and we're still not seeing eye to eye. I may have to do an intervention or send it for therapy. Anyways the library called with some more yummy books and child #3 really liked this wallet. She had to twist my arm really hard to get me to make it. IT WAS SO FUN! I made it up out of scraps while the rest of the house was watching a movie, simple and rewarding.